
Moscow for fair elections

Мы не немы - We’re not dumb.
Clever sign showing how much protest and political activism ARE closely related to making things easy to understand and to remember. And, which is more important, showing how much Russians these days have definitely got this.
Protest just works. Where in the world would anyone have figured out to be able to bring let’s say only 50 thousand people to the street? With –5?
That being said we will see how this goes on. One thing I found interesting was in the speech by Aleksey Navalnyj, recently released from jail, that went like this:
“We are thousands. We could take the Kremlin and the White House right away. But we don’t want to do this, because we are a peaceful force. So far.”
Needless to say, things get easily complicated in that country.
And this is much more interesting than Italian politics, and much more worth to follow than the agony we are facing.


Russian Dignity


“I think that people who took the street, and I know that students were paid a few bucks to come (it’s ok, let them pay, let the young people earn something), but all the same, letting themselves get humiliated, this is unacceptable to me”.  - V.V. Putin

The paper Novaya Gazeta launched an initiative, inviting all students and people who took part to the unprecedented demonstrations held in Moscow on Dec. 10th to file a lawsuit against Mr. Putin for his contemptous and denigratory words.


о защите чести, достоинства и деловой репутации

There you go Vladimir Vladimirovich. Good old times are over.

We have facebook and Twitter. People get pissed off ten times faster than it used to be. Accept that.